Saturday night...
I just lost a toenail and Jack says my toe looks like ham.
I’m currently mourning the loss of cute toes in pretty colors peeking out from sassy strappy sandals that match my business suits.
What the Hell…it’s strappy sandal season! This is just so wrong on so many levels.
See, I ran a marathon a week ago and losing toenails is apparently normal. So are blisters on your toes.
I called some of my athlete friends and they (unfortunately, all men) basically couldn’t figure out why I was upset about losing a toenail.
None of them wear sandals to work, nor have any of them ever had a sassy pedicure.
I can feel my heartbeat in my gimpy toe.
So, I did a bunch of things wrong on Marathon day…I forgot to take my ibuprofen, I didn’t walk through the first water stops and almost drowned myself, and I didn’t lube my feet with Aquaphor (never even heard of it until just before the marathon). I also didn’t train long enough. 4 weeks is not long enough.
I finished, though, and got my jacket. I ran 26.2 miles in 4 hours and 4 minutes and I have the blisters to prove it.
Sunday night...
I threw in the towel this morning and went in and got a round of antibiotics and Tylenol with codine. It's already working and I can't feel my heartbeat in my gimpy toe anymore.
People keep asking if I'm going to run another marathon and I keep saying, "no". I realize it's petty, but I'm not willing to give up toenails to run. I'll stick with my 11 milers around the lakes on the weekend and I'm doing a half marathon in the fall. I don't lose my sassy pedicure that way.