Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Here's a rundown of my past few days...
I woke up Saturday not feeling well at ALL.
I missed the gym, laid (wait, is it layed? I can't think...) on the sofa, whined, and watched cooking shows. Since no one was home but me and the wieners...the whining was only drowned out by Ginger whining louder.
Todd came home, we ate, he played with my step/sorta grand baby* and I fell asleep by 9.
Sunday was errand day since Saturday was a bust.
6:30pm Todd and Whitney's birthday dinner at Joanne's. EVERYONE was there. I'm not going to go into the story of Todd, 7 years old being locked out of the house while Joanne was giving birth to Whitney. Yes, in January...his new birthday present!
I hear Todd wanted to give Whitney back...
Monday was hell.
Piano at 7:45am, work, then I prepped all the food for the 30 some judges I was going to feed for the Inventors Fair I somehow volunteered myself for...then I stayed up until 2:30am to get the yearbook done as far as I could so the Principal can proof it before it goes to print. Oh, yeah, still missing both priests and only 4 other staff members. Ugh.
Wait, what day is it?
Oh, yes, Tuesday...
So did all the printing this morning and ran it to school, got to work late, raced home to assemble all the food for the 30+ people I was feeding, and THANK GOD 2 moms came to help. We got done in an hour and raced to school.
Then at 7pm, when all was running smoothly, I ran and got a bouquet of balloons for a friend of mine that had a radical hysterectomy yesterday and dropped them off with her at the hospital.
She's doing well, they found cancer, but are confident they took everything, so they are hopeful she doesn't need chemo.
8:15pm, left the hospital, went back and picked up all my stuff from school (food was a total hit)...
Oh, did I mention the bio-dad showed up? I guess the fact our "custody police officer" Janey is on vacation is reason to violate all her rules and continually push the envelope. Jack was awesome, he told him, "It's not your day, you can't be here." So, the &^%$*# guy left. I have the best son EVER.
So, drama aside, Todd is still gone. Today is his birthday, so I sent him up north with tater-tot hotdish and a cheesecake last night. I hate that he's gone. It's going to be at least four more weeks. This sucks. He's happy with his job, but I hate being alone. I figured out I haven't spent this much time by myself in 12 years.
12 YEARS!!
Bah, I'm falling over and need to get some sleep. How I ever did all-nighters in college, I will never know, I can't even run on 3 hours of sleep!
Snort, Snort, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
* Grand baby is Jessica's oldest friend Shannon's baby Beckham. Shannon is living with Jessica at Herb's house.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I soon realized we are only missing 2 students, and they came after all the pictures were taken, so, not out fault.
I then realized we are missing 2 teachers, 7 staff, and both the priests. Nice, huh? And our deadline in next week. We are slightly in trouble.
Todd came home for the weekend and was crabbier than I think I have EVER seen him. Needless to say, I can't wait for this job to be done. Hopefully, by Easter. Ugh. Ross came, too, and was really pleasant. He came with me to the gym both days and we actually had a conversation! I know! I'm shocked, too!
Again, the weekend went by WAY too fast. I barely had time to do anything with Zuzu's house and was having printing issues...
Ok, it's now the 30th and I never posted this. Dang it! I fell off the train!
Here you go...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
(insert maniacal laughter here)
Well, I have the wieners, but Muffy went to visit Jessica's friend for a couple days, because, well, she hates the snow. Being that I wasn't up for snowblowing the yard, since I was just proud of myself for doing our sidewalks and driveways without incident, I wasn't taking any chances. Muffy had a few "accidents" since the snow came, and well, Grandma had a meltdown. It's been 4 weeks, so cut me some slack.
So far, she's doing well, and I have to work very long days the rest of the week, so it's better she gets a vacation from PMSing and hormonal Nana.
I wish I had some great pictures to show you of Jack's and my excursion to the Waterpark of America, but well, the last time I got a picture off my camera/phone, it looked like this:
So, um, yeah, not the greatest shot I ever took and yes, that is Jack looking like death warmed over. Since I have no flash, I have no idea what happened.
I told Todd I need another camera of my own since mine (which he commandeered) goes with him to job sites. I think that means we get to deduct the cost of the new camera from his business expenses, right??
Todd is still laying dur-rock (if that's how it's spelled) and is laying tile on 1500 square feet of bathrooms and other areas in this new house. I think he might come home in March...
Me? I'm hanging in there. I let the dogs sleep with me so I don't get lonely, and I am having a vacation from cooking. Tomorrow is Taco Bell.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, so bad for you, but oh so tasty!
I started working on Zuzu's house last night, so once the camera comes home, I will post some pictures!!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Today over IM:
Amy: Todd is starting that job in Onamia. He'll be gone for 3 weeks. I'll be so lonely.
Jayme: At least you have Muffy.
Amy; Yeah, but who will I fight with?
When I got back from Duluth:
Amy: So, did you miss me?
Todd: You were gone? Well...when Muffy sh*t all over herself and her kennel this morning, I really missed you. Having to cough on your empty pillow at night instead of you just didn't give me the same satisfaction.
Amy: Awwwww, that's so sweet. It's so nice to be missed.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Well, it is January 2nd and I am sitting in the Chalet at
Um, hrmmm, yeah, pretty much nothing. I run, do the stairmaster, lift weights…that has to count for something. I’m just not into that whole group/people/sport/competition thing.
Ok, mostly the people thing.
So, on my days off, I have done 3 more scrapbook pages in Jack’s baby book (yes, I’m up to summer 1999!) and managed to get all the kids in grades 3-5 in Jack’s school divided into their proper classes on the yearbook website (don’t get me started on trying to connect to the internet in this hotel…sucks is a major understatement). Granted, I thought I was all prepared and brought with the class directory from this year and the old yearbook, only to spend 2 hours trying to connect (4 cords, 3 passwords, 2 modems, and 1 tech guy later…) and to discover I BROUGHT LAST YEARS DIRECTORY!!!
Ok, so Todd being the most cooperative, understanding, and loving husband ever (cough, cough, hack, hack, and God STRIKES Amy down for that lie) spent about 30 minutes on the phone reading me the class list for every child in class in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. BUT, I got them divided out since the photo people had the classes mixed up, together with the wrong teachers, and completely mislabeled. As soon as I can get signed back on, I’ll do the new page template, because, uh, yeah, couldn’t get signed back on this morning. Ugh.
I’m scared, I just poked my head toward the window and Jack and his teacher are coming into the building. I’d hide, but I have too much crap with me, since I brought my laptop with to keep me occupied. {Keeping fingers crossed they aren’t giving up}
Oh, PHEW, they just came back in to get HER skis. They are on their way to the bunny hill.
Enough of my boring rant. I’ll let you know how the lesson goes, and how Little Miss Muffet survived with Grandpa for a couple days when I get home.
I don’t know which one I am more worried about…Todd or Muffy. Place your bets!