Wednesday, January 17, 2007

So, I am home alone.

(insert maniacal laughter here)

Well, I have the wieners, but Muffy went to visit Jessica's friend for a couple days, because, well, she hates the snow. Being that I wasn't up for snowblowing the yard, since I was just proud of myself for doing our sidewalks and driveways without incident, I wasn't taking any chances. Muffy had a few "accidents" since the snow came, and well, Grandma had a meltdown. It's been 4 weeks, so cut me some slack.

So far, she's doing well, and I have to work very long days the rest of the week, so it's better she gets a vacation from PMSing and hormonal Nana.

I wish I had some great pictures to show you of Jack's and my excursion to the Waterpark of America, but well, the last time I got a picture off my camera/phone, it looked like this:

So, um, yeah, not the greatest shot I ever took and yes, that is Jack looking like death warmed over. Since I have no flash, I have no idea what happened.

I told Todd I need another camera of my own since mine (which he commandeered) goes with him to job sites. I think that means we get to deduct the cost of the new camera from his business expenses, right??

Todd is still laying dur-rock (if that's how it's spelled) and is laying tile on 1500 square feet of bathrooms and other areas in this new house. I think he might come home in March...

Me? I'm hanging in there. I let the dogs sleep with me so I don't get lonely, and I am having a vacation from cooking. Tomorrow is Taco Bell.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, so bad for you, but oh so tasty!

I started working on Zuzu's house last night, so once the camera comes home, I will post some pictures!!

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