Ok, this has been my 3rd, well, technically 2nd day off and I'm starting to get (gulp) tempted to...
...watch tv.
I see that as a bad sign.
No, I haven't really been looking for a new job. I spent today doing a bunch of stuff I have been putting off, like researching new health insurance and redoing Todd's business cards and invoices since the originals were lost the last time the computer crashed. And I did laundry. I even put it away!
I think I'm still in denial. I like denial, it's my favorite state.
Oh, and I have been painting a lot. I'm on my 2nd coat of Kilz on the OTHER 2 walls of the boudoir. I need to cut in with the brush and then I can start actually painting. I'm not feeling very motivated at the moment.
I did go swim for a half hour at the gym, and did yoga, so I haven't been a total waste.
Has anyone found me Ostrich Feathers locally, yet? Joy found them in Georgia. I found them online. I would really like to pick them out myself, hence the locally part.
Get going people!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Overheard Conversations at My House...
Jack: That music sounds really weird.
Amy: It's called techno, I listen to it while I run. It's what they played when I used to go out and dance. It's got that really good thump, thump beat that makes it fun to run or dance hard to...
Jack: How can you dance to that?
Amy: (does short techno dance demonstration) like that.
Jack: If you did that in public, people would laugh at you.
Amy: Thanks, sweetie, you really know how to boost mom's ego.
Jack: That music sounds really weird.
Amy: It's called techno, I listen to it while I run. It's what they played when I used to go out and dance. It's got that really good thump, thump beat that makes it fun to run or dance hard to...
Jack: How can you dance to that?
Amy: (does short techno dance demonstration) like that.
Jack: If you did that in public, people would laugh at you.
Amy: Thanks, sweetie, you really know how to boost mom's ego.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
It was 70+ degrees today, this is an picture from a few weeks ago. I would have updated pictures, but, alas, I left my camera at Andrew's birthday party and it will most likely be a while until I get it back. Oops.
I ran 7 miles today. I was actually at the gym, rather than outside, since it was really windy and I hate running in the wind. It's TORTURE. Like running isn't hard enough.
I have never called myself a runner...I say, "I run". I think that "runner" term is reserved for people who do marathons. Which I will never do. I don't have a desire to run 26 miles with a kazillion other people. It's that being around other people thing. I'm so not there. 5k is enough to be around that many other people. Speaking of 5k's and the Race for the cure...I got my pink feather boa today. Every girl needs a pink feather boa.
So, I'm redecorating Ross's room. He gave me permission. Probably because Ross sleeps in there, maybe, 2 nights a month. If he keeps the lights down, he won't even notice it's decorated as a boudoir. Todd has his batcave and my office is going to be decorated as my boudoir. I've always wanted a boudoir, complete with tons of pillows, WAY too much fabric, and a little maribou here and there. I'll post pictures when it's done. The painting of the knotty pine paneling is proving to be a bit challenging. TONS of Kilz is being used. Cover all those nasty knots. Ick. Todd is having issues with it, but, he's dealing. He just doesn't go in there. Yea for me! Jack keeps asking me why I need a room to pout in, since the literal term of "Boudoir" is where a woman goes to pout. I just tell him Todd has the batcave, which is where he goes to pout. I need my own pouting room.
Does anyone know where to get ostrich feathers? I need several...
Monday morning, actually.
My legs don't hurt. I ran 7 miles yesterday, then went to an hour long yoga class and my legs don't hurt!!! Woohoo!
I'm thinking I'm going to run 5 today after work.
Yes, I know, I'm a dork.
Friday, March 16, 2007

Last Sunday, I ran 7 miles.
Monday, I couldn't walk.
Tuesday, I ran 4 more miles.
I took Wednesday and Thursday off, partially to recover, and partially because I'm lazy.
Oh, and work got in the way...the gym is WAY GROSS at 6:30pm, TOO MANY SWEATY ICKY BODIES!!!
I ran 4 more miles today.
Sunday, I plan another 7. I haven't quite figured out why I do it, but the endorphin rush is AMAZING!
So, I am running a 5k for my friend Joy, who was recently diagnosed with cancer and is going through chemo...a GROUP run. RACE FOR THE CURE. Yes, anti-social Amy is being social. At 7:25 AM on MOTHER'S DAY. Ok, they said I had to wear a hot pink boa and glamour movie star glasses in order to join the team at work, so...I really joined so I could have an excuse to buy a pink feather boa.
I'm trying to get Jayme, my fellow cube farmer, to run with me, but he has issues wearing feathers.
What a party pooper.
I said he should go because, where else are you going to find so many highly motivated single women in one place??!!
Yeah, he didn't see it that way.
I'm going to run Harriet and Calhoun (hopefully) again on Sunday. We'll see if I can walk Monday...it's really nice not to have one's legs buckle when walking into the cube farm from the car.
It's the little things, really.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Anyway, yes, I totally suck since I haven't updated this in forever, but I couldn't really come up with and interesting way to say THIS YEARBOOK IS CONSUMING MY LIFE!!!!
So, other than that...I have been eating and sleeping, and dreaming about the deadline coming up at midnight tomorrow. Well, having nightmares is more like it.
I got up at 6:15 yesterday and went to my weight lifting class. Yes, 6AM on a SATURDAY. What the hell? I can't sleep anymore anyway.
Today, I'm going to try to run around Harriet and Calhoun. It's about 6.5-7 miles from here. I think I'll have Todd come look for me if I'm not home within 2 hours. Of course, that would mean he would have to get out of bed, which he has sworn he is not doing today, since he is recovering from food poisoning. He thinks he got a little ecol i poisoning, since no one else he ate with got sick, but he's convinced some little poopie hand touched some doorknob that he ended up touching. EEEEWWWWEEEEE!
He's in bed with a big bottle of Mylanta. I hear it takes 72 hours to work through your system, so by tomorrow, he should be fine. It started Thursday night, so he's almost there!
Alright, I have to go finish getting ready for Sunday School, there are small minds waiting to be warped!
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