It was 70+ degrees today, this is an picture from a few weeks ago. I would have updated pictures, but, alas, I left my camera at Andrew's birthday party and it will most likely be a while until I get it back. Oops.
I ran 7 miles today. I was actually at the gym, rather than outside, since it was really windy and I hate running in the wind. It's TORTURE. Like running isn't hard enough.
I have never called myself a runner...I say, "I run". I think that "runner" term is reserved for people who do marathons. Which I will never do. I don't have a desire to run 26 miles with a kazillion other people. It's that being around other people thing. I'm so not there. 5k is enough to be around that many other people. Speaking of 5k's and the Race for the cure...I got my pink feather boa today. Every girl needs a pink feather boa.
So, I'm redecorating Ross's room. He gave me permission. Probably because Ross sleeps in there, maybe, 2 nights a month. If he keeps the lights down, he won't even notice it's decorated as a boudoir. Todd has his batcave and my office is going to be decorated as my boudoir. I've always wanted a boudoir, complete with tons of pillows, WAY too much fabric, and a little maribou here and there. I'll post pictures when it's done. The painting of the knotty pine paneling is proving to be a bit challenging. TONS of Kilz is being used. Cover all those nasty knots. Ick. Todd is having issues with it, but, he's dealing. He just doesn't go in there. Yea for me! Jack keeps asking me why I need a room to pout in, since the literal term of "Boudoir" is where a woman goes to pout. I just tell him Todd has the batcave, which is where he goes to pout. I need my own pouting room.
Does anyone know where to get ostrich feathers? I need several...
Monday morning, actually.
My legs don't hurt. I ran 7 miles yesterday, then went to an hour long yoga class and my legs don't hurt!!! Woohoo!
I'm thinking I'm going to run 5 today after work.
Yes, I know, I'm a dork.
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