Friday, December 14, 2007

Todd: What's the blog address?

Amy: We have a blog?

Todd: Ha, ha, ha, what's the link?

Amy: We have a link?

Todd: Never mind, I have my sources.

Ok, I'm scared because Todd has no blog sources unless he's texting Jessica, who is trapped in New Hampshire in an ice storm. After I almost committed caninacide on Oscar because he PEED ON MY COUCH!!!!!!!! I think New Hampshire sounds quite lovely.

Ok, I'm in big trouble because he FOUND it and is complaining that I said he has a fat ass. Well...I said he had a skinny ass that one year he lost all the weight...I guess he didn't read that far back. I was also making fun of moi, but he only read all about himself. Figures.

I think he is now downstairs reading all about the last 2 years of our life.

Why do I find that really funny??

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