Monday, June 18, 2007

For me, there is something great to be said for the quiet solitude of the cube farm after a busy weekend...

Friday, Ross came over for Father's Day weekend early, since he had heat exhaustion and our house seemed more inviting than his for laying around doing nothing. I think it was the chance of better food and a larger television. He's male, what else could it be? We have no 16 year old girls, so that's not it...unless he wanted to meet, I never thought of that...eewweee...

I, of course, went to the gym after work, and then spent a couple hours learning how (low and slow) and how NOT (anything but low heat) to cook panini's on the barbie...grill, not doll. Needless to say, batch number one was, dark and crispy. I think the squirrels were excited when it went launching across the yard, though.

Saturday morning, I rolled over and said to Todd, "I have a hot date with the produce guys, see ya."

I got to Cub at 7:45, and after joking around with the produce manager, whom I have seen every Saturday for about 10 years, he asked, "Are we close enough friends that I can tell you dirty produce jokes?" I said, "OF COURSE!" Because, I am a sucker for a good dirty joke.

"What is the biggest problem with eating your vegetables?" He asks.

"Um, I don't know, what?"

"Getting them back in the chair."

Blink, blink...the hamster wheel stops, swings back and forth in that way it does when you walk into the room and interrupt it's running pattern...I stare blankly for about 3 seconds..then,

"OH. MY. GOD. Hilarious!"

I am you need to speak slowly and enunciate well.

I went out with Jessica and her friends on Saturday night, and as soon as I get access to the pictures, I will share...15 girls, ages 21-35 let loose on Downtown should be very frightened.

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