Sunday, September 09, 2007

This is how we wash our wieners...

Wii Wii Wii all the way home...

It was my birthday on Thursday and I, being the sacrificing mother that I am, offered to pony up half of the money (Jack putting down the other half) for a Wii.

I drove to Northeast Minneapolis, in THE MOST ASS BACKWARDS way, since the ONLY Target (or any other store) in town that had any Wii's in stock was the lonely store just North of the 35w bridge collapse. Well, duh, no one could get there! I had Todd on the phone shouting driving directions to me while he was on mapquest, and had my father, in a much calmer tone, on the phone helping me get home.

We stayed up until 11 (yes, on a school night!) boxing, bowling, and playing tennis. My back and arms hurt for two days afterwards, because well, I sort of got into it.

I knew it was totally worth it a few minutes ago when Jack came up and said, "Mom, you HAVE to come and get me past Victor! You are the best boxer in the family! You even beat TODD!"

It's touching moments like this that bring a tear to a mother's eye. Sniff, sniff.

Gotta go, I have Wii ass to kick!

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