Wednesday, October 31, 2007

She was a big hit at the pumpkin festival...

Jack and his favorite program director, Dave

Overheard Conversations at My House...

Setting: Amy and Jack are watching the new female betta they just put in the fish tank. They figured for $1.99, it would be cheap entertainment to see if she would procreate with the betta they've had forever that has dropsy and won't die.

Jack: "So, do think we'll see them have sex?"

Amy: Swings head around and stares at Jack..."Hello?? I'm your mother, don't talk like that around me."

Jack: "Ok, so do think we'll be able to see them have some fun?"

Amy: "Oh. My. God. PBS, Jack, FOREVER. That's all you get. Barney is still on, isn't it?"

Jack: "Oh no, he got cancelled...he tripped over an electrical cord, said the "F" word and got sued."

Amy: "I think I'm going to go hide under the dining room table and just rock back and forth."

"Ok, I'll let you know if the fish start going at it."

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My Wieners Hate Me

And Now You Know Why...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

This was from our last trip up North to the cabin. I still wish I had video of Andrew going all James Bond on the dolls....priceless...

Overheard Conversations at My House...

Amy: walking into kitchen "I forgot to take my pills this morning, can you please hand me my water bottle?"

Jack: "Does this mean you'll get pregnant?"

Amy: "Um, no. There are so many reasons why I can't the list is too long to read off."

Jack: "Sure you could. You could go to a bar, get drunk, bring some guy home and, you know, and then poof! 9 months later there'd be a baby."

Amy: blinks...blinks again...mouth drops open "Where in the hell did you learn that?"

Jack: "Um...I...dunno..."

Amy: "PBS, Jack, that's all you get to watch from here on out is PBS. Telletubbies is still on, isn't it?"

Jack: "Awww, crap."

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tightest Jeans Ever...

Amy: "Hey, Jack, do you want to see something really gross?"

Jack: "Sure! Does it involve any animals?"

Amy: "Um, sort of..."

Jack: "Is it from the 'Grossest Websites Ever?'"

Amy: "I don't think so..."

Jack: "Ok, let me see!!!"

Amy: "Ok, but zoom on the guy to the right..."

Jack: "OH MY GOD!!!! It BURNS!!! Where are the eye drops??!!!

That is just SO WRONG!!

Let me see it again!"

Ok, this is to offset the next post because they are just too hot for their shirts.

I'm still having nightmares from this picture...ew, ew,ew...

Friday, October 05, 2007

So, I'm working downtown...and I love it.

I love the hustle and bustle of the skyway,

I love all the interesting people,

I love having my own contract parking in the Target Center ramp,

I love the fountains in the Crystal Court,

all of the fabulous food options for lunch,

and most of all, I love this:

The new perfume models for Calvin cologne at Macy's.

Pardon me, I need a napkin.