Wednesday, October 31, 2007

She was a big hit at the pumpkin festival...

Jack and his favorite program director, Dave

Overheard Conversations at My House...

Setting: Amy and Jack are watching the new female betta they just put in the fish tank. They figured for $1.99, it would be cheap entertainment to see if she would procreate with the betta they've had forever that has dropsy and won't die.

Jack: "So, do think we'll see them have sex?"

Amy: Swings head around and stares at Jack..."Hello?? I'm your mother, don't talk like that around me."

Jack: "Ok, so do think we'll be able to see them have some fun?"

Amy: "Oh. My. God. PBS, Jack, FOREVER. That's all you get. Barney is still on, isn't it?"

Jack: "Oh no, he got cancelled...he tripped over an electrical cord, said the "F" word and got sued."

Amy: "I think I'm going to go hide under the dining room table and just rock back and forth."

"Ok, I'll let you know if the fish start going at it."

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