Friday, December 14, 2007

Overheard Conversations at My House...Sorta...Setting: Hair Salon

Amy: "I want Farrah Faucet Hair."

Hairstylist that is about 12: Ok, she said nothing, just sort of looked at me like a deer in the headlights.

Amy: "Layers...starting at about my know, if I flip my head upside down it's all the same length?"

Hairstylist that is about 12: "Your hair is really dry, you need deep conditioning."

Amy: "Yes, I know, I'm not dying it that color anymore, I'm keeping it dark, but I want long layers. you know who Farrah Faucet is??

Hairstylist that is about 12: "No."

So, for all of you who do NOT know who Farrah Faucet is...I want Farrah hair:

But, I would take Raquel hair:
I so hope I look half that hot when I'm uber old.

Pictures to come...I haven't set my hair yet.

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