I think it's worse when it's your 8 year old son...
Yes, that's my sweater. It looks way better on him than me.
Sigh...my baby is growing up!!! Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
I wish I had some super exciting update...such as winning the lottery, or I cracked the unbreakable code and was hired by the FBI, or even that Jack cleaned the bathroom without complaining, but, alas...none of those things happened.
Jack got out of cleaning because we went to work today and he got caught up on all the homework he missed being out with an ear infection for 2 days last week. I didn't crack any codes, but my bones are about to crack because it's SO EFFING COLD HERE!!!
I also didn't win the lottery. My husband left to go back up North to his job, leaving me home again with Jack and the wieners. On the upside, Jack and I eat a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. It's my favorite, I think. Comfort food, unlike the tuna noodle casserole I used to have as a child and refuse to cook/eat/smell/think of....Ick, warm tuna! (Insert massive gag reflex here) I'd rather have it raw and make sushi! Which, for me, is scary since I usually won't usually touch anything that lives in water.
I think I need retail therapy...maybe shoes...or new jeans...
In this weather...I think I need to go parka shopping. I heard the high today was -3.
Ok, fine...I'll just sit here and dream of strappy sandal weather and pedicures...
Ok, so the Overheard Conversations at my house for the week...
Amy: Ok, the cookies are done. What do you say??
Jack: I will always relish that you will be older, fatter, and die sooner than me. Now give me a cookie.
Amy: (sloppily licking cookies and handing them to said naughty child) Here. I just gave you cooties.
Jack: Whatever, chocolate overcomes all. (Eats cookies and goes back for seconds...)
Amy: Oh. My. God. What have I created?
1 comment:
dont forget to take your favorite daughter with for retail therapy.. with MOMS credit card of course
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