Ok, pretend that's me...or maybe Jack..
Yes, I brought Small Boy with me to yoga class on Sunday. He did great! The class is 45 minutes long and he hung on for the whole thing. I was so proud.
(Insert beaming mother here)
I asked him if he would like to go again, and he said he would go with me every Sunday he was home, and then asked if he could have his own yoga mat. So I bought him one, of course, it's orange. I can't believe his favorite color hasn't changed since he was 3. I bought my self a new one, too. It's black. I can't believe my favorite color hasn't changed since I was 13. Go figure.
So work has totally sucked lately. Everyone is on hightened alert and afraid of getting laid off. Most of the underwriters on my team were sent home for the week, and somehow I'm still there. Paychecks are nice. I thank God for small miracles.
Speaking of, it's Lent. I am teaching Sunday School for Lent. Does that count as enough of a sacrifice? I think it should. Plus, I started running again...I have been doing the stairmaster since the treadmills were so full and I started getting shin splints last fall, so the desire to run went to zilch. I'm doing well, I think the weightlifting has helped a lot and I stretch tons afterwards. So far, I don't want to cry every time I move my legs.
I also started swimming once a week. Ok, it's been once so far. But I'm trying to go Wednesday morning at 5:30 if Todd's in town. And to be honest, I feel like the biggest dork EVER. I totally suck at swimming. I'm afraid of my hair turning green so I wear a swim cap, and I need to wear goggles because the chlorine kills my contacts. So here's Amy, splashing around like an idiot trying to do laps, but barely knowing how to swim, with her swim cap, goggles, and feeling way stupid next to the 80 year old women in the other lanes that can swim lap after lap smoothly doing free-style. On the upside, I only crashed into the wall once.
Ok, short post, but I'm boring and spent a lot of the weekend working on the damn yearbook, so I don't have much to tell.
Jack's birthday is at Chuck E Cheese on Sunday, and I plan to be on anti-anxiety meds for it. We are keeping it WAY small and I promised the other parents I wasn't going to make them come with and chaperone... so I told Todd he had to go. I think it's going to be scary. Very scary.
Let's see, other than being worried about the yearbook, being laid off, meltdowns at Chuck E's, and making a total fool out of myself in the swimming pool, life is good. Todd is home so I have someone to fight with, and I can finally touch my head to my knees in a forward fold.
It's the little things, really.
CHIN splints?! HAHAHAHA I just about lost it when I read that ;-)
Ok, corrected, but that's what happens when you write your blog after a glass or two of wine...I'm glad I can entertain you!
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