Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ok, this has been my 3rd, well, technically 2nd day off and I'm starting to get (gulp) tempted to... tv.

I see that as a bad sign.

No, I haven't really been looking for a new job. I spent today doing a bunch of stuff I have been putting off, like researching new health insurance and redoing Todd's business cards and invoices since the originals were lost the last time the computer crashed. And I did laundry. I even put it away!

I think I'm still in denial. I like denial, it's my favorite state.

Oh, and I have been painting a lot. I'm on my 2nd coat of Kilz on the OTHER 2 walls of the boudoir. I need to cut in with the brush and then I can start actually painting. I'm not feeling very motivated at the moment.

I did go swim for a half hour at the gym, and did yoga, so I haven't been a total waste.

Has anyone found me Ostrich Feathers locally, yet? Joy found them in Georgia. I found them online. I would really like to pick them out myself, hence the locally part.

Get going people!

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