Saturday, April 07, 2007

So, on Thursday, I was officially layed off. Friday, I ran 8 miles at the gym. Coincidence? Not so much. It was either that or hiding underneath the dining room table hugging my knees and rocking back and forth. Actually, I'm kidding. I am really enjoying not working. Not getting a paycheck kind of sucks, but I get my first unemployment check on Monday. My first one EVER. What a novel concept, being paid not to work.
On the upside, a couple of my co-workers have been called back, so all is not completely lost for everyone.
My shoulder finally quit hurting, the callouses I constantly have on my lower back from the chairs at work are almost completely gone, and I had to ask one of the old marathoners at the gym what to do about my armpits and groin chaffing because I'm running so much I actually have to deal with that. Turns out, it's Vaseline.

Is it wrong I am excited that I have crossed the line that I need to lube myself up to run?

Todd has 3 or 4 more jobs lined up after this one is finished, so he is very busy and he told me I should figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

I'm still thinking...

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