Monday, June 18, 2007

How do you deal with a spoiled rotten family?

I realize it's my fault. I know that I am the only cause of my angst. But, honestly, when I met Todd 4+ years ago, he used to LIKE to leave the house to eat a meal everyonce in a while...ok, back then he was content with frozen pizza from Al's, but now??? I have been sent on a quest to reproduce his favorite pizza...Green Mill thin crust.

Screw Al's, that's so last season.

I have even begged the cooks from the Mill into letting me take sauce home and what do I get??!!

"No, that's not's still sour, must be something besides the sauce."

Not only that, but it's the high end chocolate "Milka" from Germany that I mistakenly got him hooked on...I could only find it a few times a year, now he gets it shipped in from Europe if our sources run dry. Then, there's the daily or 2 Red Bull which we buy by the case from Sams Club, the 100% natural cran/grape juice that is the ONLY juice he will now drink because my dumb ass said you don't buy concentrated juice...what was I thinking? I only meant for the CHILDREN.

And, we aren't even gong to touch the beer issue.

Let us not forget the $15 a pound salami I bought a 1/4 pound for him from Broder's for some "special occasion" which I can now not get him to give up and go back to the cheap stuff from the deli case at Cub, noooooooo, that now tastes like dog.

And the French bread I bake every few days that has become a staple of everyone's diet and they all give me this kind of sad, puppy dog look for the 2-3 months I quit baking every year, because I don't bake when the air conditioning is on...

I cook 6 nights a week. I get one night off for good behavior, so the only thing I can come up with is that they tolerate a night here and there where they don't like something because they know:

A. Tomorrow will be different


B. There's a stash of Fritos in the basement.

I'm still waiting for the running bug to hit someone else in the family as quick as the "Spoiled Rotten Foodie" has, but, alas, it's been 18 months, and no one has offered to pony up to be my partner.

I think they are trying to wear me down, but it won't work...

I have a better snack stash.


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