Friday, June 01, 2007

I will add some pictures once Dave gives me some. He's become my main photographer.

New address, same old Amy. I am having issues with a certain member of my family and let's just say she's been blacklisted from my blog and life in general. It took me this long to figure out if I was going to keep the blog, delete out the old, change it to private, blah, blah, for starters, I changed the name. Said family member isn't bright enough to find it, I think, without a link.

Updates on me and mine...

I haven't been running more than once a week, I ran around Calhoun yesterday, so I think I can start adding a few more days here and there. Shins feel good. I've been doing the elliptical like a crazy woman and lifting weights about 5 times a week. So, my girlie "cycle" decided to leave me for several weeks...about 9. Thankfully, it returned, so me feeling like I swallowed about 4 gallons of fluid should go away...I think I'm retaining so much water you could poke me with a pin and it would start a gusher. Ok, TMI. But, that is all we are about here, isn't it?

New job is good, except at the moment I have nothing to do, hence you get your blog update. I'm learning a lot, usually. Like the people, hate the commute, like the pay. So, good out weighs bad, I guess.

Jack is fabulous, he's going to Pershing for the summer and very excited to be done with school. He's been reading all of the Harry Potter books again, and finished number 6 last week, so he started up on 4. He'll probably have 5 done by the time the movie comes out.

Saw Pirate's of the Carribbean III, loved Johnny Depp, hated the movie.

Jessica is moving back to Apple Valley. Shannon and Beckham are going with her. She can't sell her townhome without taking a big loss. I'll let you know what happens with the duplex as the time gets's a surprise.

Dave leaves today for Colorado, or maybe Texas, but whichever, I get my room back. I miss it and need to finish the drapes. He said he's only been here for 5 weeks. It seems like longer. I do miss him when he is away, he keeps me company in the kitchen. He's probably the only person I can actually cook with because he doesn't tell me what to do and knows how to work with others. Oooooo, is that a slam? I think so!

I wear business clothes, heels, nylons, and the whole 9 yards to work every day...except Friday. I wore jeans with my blazer today. Scary, huh?

I miss flip flops.

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